Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli and world champion weightlifter Mirabai Chanu were named by the Sports Ministry for the prestigious Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna. The two will receive the honour on September 25. But the decision has not gone down well with other athletes.
As per a report in The Times of India, skipper Kohli got 'zero' points by the 11-member panel which decides the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna awards while Chanu earned 44 points. Wrestlers Bajrang Punia and Vinesh Phogat got a total of 80 points each, were among six others who totalled more than Chanu, but lost out on the award. Despite the marking scheme, the final decision to name the awardees for the country's highest sports award is done by a show of hands.
Kohli did not score any point as there is no criteria that has been set for cricket, which is not an Olympic sport. Selection of cricketers for the award thus often lead to a controversy.
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